What is a Composite?
Sewer Shield® Composites Certified H-20 Loading Corrosion-Resistant Manholes
Sewer Shield® Manholes are made out of Sewer Shield® 100 and/or 150 epoxy resins reinforced with fiberglass to provide maintenance-free, long-lasting protection to access municipal sewer systems. The Sewer Shield® epoxy resins have been used for many years providing excellent service in the coating of concrete and brick manholes. We have evolved this technology to incorporate the use of glass fibers to provide a structure for the resin so that composite manholes can be installed in place of concrete or brick, designed to withstand ground and traffic pressures.
Based on using proven materials in the wastewater environment, and proven technology in the fiberglass-reinforced resin industry, we have developed a product that incorporates a corrosion-resistant resin (Sewer Shield® 100 and 150) throughout the structure of the manhole so that the manhole is not subject to failure from external contamination, nor is the corrosion resistance affected by scrapes or cutting of the manhole walls.
The Sewer Shield® 100 is used as a corrosion barrier 125 mils thick on the smooth interior of the insert and is backed up by the Sewer Shield® 150 reinforced with fiberglass throughout the structure. The Sewer Shield 100 product will withstand sulfuric acid in concentrations up to 98% where the insert is exposed to the gases coming from the sewer system.
The 150 product will withstand sulfuric acid in concentrations up to 50% to provide a completely corrosion-resistant product throughout the structure. Alternatively, the Sewer Shield® 150 can be used as the corrosion barrier, with a standard epoxy resin that provides protection against weaker sulfuric acid.
The design of the manholes was prepared by a Professional Engineer (Conlisk Engineering) who is on both ASME design and construction standards committees for composite structures. Through careful lamination analysis and finite element analysis, a design was developed to meet or exceed the requirements of buried manholes up to 40 ft. deep. The manholes are built by professionals who are solely dedicated to the fabrication of corrosion-resistant composite equipment, carefully following the design prepared by Conlisk Engineering.